Employee Pay
- Employees are paid on the last business day of the month.
- Payroll deadlines are on the 10th of every month.
- All time is due by the 10th to be included in payroll for the month.
For payroll questions, please: Email us
Payroll & Fiscal Coordinator
- Payroll
- Timesheets
- Roster Pay
- Contracted Assignments
- Changes to W4
- Changes to Direct Deposit
- W2's
- 1095's
- Extra Hours
Benefits Coordinator
Office: 253-862-2537
- Retirement Enrollment
- Leaves (FMLA and PFML)
- Benefits
Accounts Payable Forms
Notes about fillable PDF files
The PDF files auto-calculate totals. Different web browsers handle this differently.
Microsoft Edge will allow you to enter information into the form, but it will not calculate. Edge will not allow you to replace its built-in PDF viewer; you must save the form and open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Mozilla Firefox does not support fillable forms; it lets you know this with a bar at the top of the document and offers to open in a different viewer. Open with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Google Chrome works as intended.
Internet Explorer 11 does not have a built-in viewer, and will use the system default. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, it will work as expected.
*Adobe Reader will allow you to add a signature or initials to the document.