Multilingual/English Learners
Multilingual Learners are served by our English Language Learning teachers who support them using designated English Language learning strategies. Our Multilingual students are ‘influenced by a dynamic cross-cultural experience, rather than rigid cultural stereotypes’. As such, we can honor and encourage our students’ celebration of their language and culture by ensuring they are able to sustain their cultural practices and support their primary language. Multilingual learners are among the many different students we serve and support in Dieringer School District and their English language acquisition is as important as their ability to successfully maintain and grow their skills in their primary language as well. If your student’s primary language is something other than English and you have questions about the support they are receiving, please reach out to your student’s teacher, their principal or another member of the team. We are happy to assist you in any way.
Executive Director of Student Services
Language Access Coordinator
Dieringer School District