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Transfers & Waivers

There are three types of transfer requests.

Choice Transfer Release

Students wishing to leave Dieringer School District to request attendance in a different school district must submit a Choice Transfer Request (CTR) release.

Non-Resident Student Choice Transfer Release

Students that live outside of Dieringer School District boundaries are considered non-resident students. Those students wishing to request attendance to Dieringer School District as a non-resident must request a Choice Transfer Request (CTR) release with their resident school district and fill out a Waiver-In form to be submittted to the Dieringer School District.

Home Based Instruction

Students wishing to provide their own instruction for their student, must complete paperwork annually.

For more information on the specifics of the transfer you wish to submit, please review the tabs below.

This is an annual process for:
  • Choice Transfer Releases (live within the DSD boundaries)
  • Non-Resident Requests (live outside the DSD boundaries)
  • Home Based Instruction Releases (live within the DSD boundaries)

Please submit paperwork to: Amanda Smith -

Please note: This is an annual process